Zainura Tigana (2024), ESP IN PRACTICE: THE USE OF SPECIFIC TERMS IN LEARNING PROCESS. Skripsi, Universitas Samudra.


Specific Terminology in English is Special words to a particular subject in English. The importance of specific term in vocational schools is that students are able to master English in their fields. This study aims to analyze the use of specific terms in Learning English at SMKN 3 Langsa and teachers’ difficulties in using specific terms. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. Subjects in this study were class XI hospitality students consisting of 13 students and two English teachers. Data were collected through observation, questionnaires and interviews. Research results show the use of specific terms in learning process can help students in the process of learning English and the students able to practice specific terms with ease. But there are some difficulties faced by teacher in the use of specific terms; the first is text book in teaching English still used general English book, the second is in General English text book only a few lessondiscuss about hospitality and lack of Specific terms of hospitality in the text book, the third is lack understanding of the teacher about hospitality, the fourth is there is no specific training to teacher that explain about ESP of Hospitality, the fifth is the teacher difficult to find the material about ESP of Hospitality. It was concluded that the use of specific terms in the learning process really helps vocational schools to prepare students to work according to their profession.

Kata kunci : ESP in vocational school, specific terms in ESP, specific terms

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Tipe Items : Skripsi
Penulis/Penyusun : Zainura Tigana
Fakultas : Fakultas Keguruan & Ilmu Pendidikan
Program.Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (2024)
Tanggal disimpan : 30-04-2024 13:04
Terakhir diubah : 11-06-2024 09:31
Penerbit : Langsa, Universitas Samudra, 2024
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