Rizkya Maulidina Saragih (2023), THE USE OF CLUSTERING TECHNIQUE ON STUDENTS WRITING PRACTICE . Skripsi, Universitas Samudra.


The research is a study of the use of clustering technique on students writing practice at SMP Negeri 1 Babalan. The aims of this research are : to describe how the process of clustering technique and the clustering technique effect on students writing practice. The method used in the study was a quantitative method and the research design was a pre-experimental. The sample of this research was the eighth-grade of SMP Negeri 1 Babalan. Students of VIII-8 class as the experimental class, where as students of VIII-9 as the control class. Each class consisted of 32 students. The sample technique of this study was Probability sampling. The instrument used in this research was written test on the pre-test and post-test.The data was serve by calculation of data, the result of the research persented that the mean score of pre-test was 56.65. After give the test, the mean score of post-test was 77.28. Based on the calculation of the data, after using clustering technique on students writing practice of descriptive text, the mean score of the experimental class was increased. The finding of this study showed that clustering technique was effective on students‟ writing ability of descriptive text. It was proved by the data that tvalue 1.770 is higher than ttable 2.415 in the significance level of 0.005. It is considered that H0 null hypothesis was rejected and Ha alternative hypothesis was accepted. It is stated that there was a significant process and effect on students writing practice a descriptive text.

Kata kunci : Writing Practice, Clustering Technique, Descriptive Text

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Tipe Items : Skripsi
Penulis/Penyusun : Rizkya Maulidina Saragih
Fakultas : Fakultas Keguruan & Ilmu Pendidikan
Program.Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (2023)
Tanggal disimpan : 31-03-2023 15:22
Terakhir diubah : 14-09-2023 11:06
Penerbit : Langsa, Universitas Samudra, 2023
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